Sunday, January 2, 2011


This day is miserable day...i thought that i had a day dream....
but, when i looked at my phone...i got a messaged.
 it was said that 'today we have to work as usuall'...
ergh...i just have 15 minutes to prepare my self..
i asked my sister to iron my clothes while i go take a bath....
at 7.00 dad asked me if i was still in my bed...
haha...he didn't know that i am rushing prepared myself... my head..i feel very depressed because 
of having to work today...same day like last time...
no work for me...and i just seat and doing my usually job...
if it continues like this for 2 months, i might be crazy....
what am i suppose to do?
ergh....what am i expecting? i have to do my own to
 solve this problem before it will be going more worst..
May God give me strength....


  1. to rub??padam??to iron la semek!gosok!
    awat ang wat post bahase inggeris?

  2. haha..muler2 dah tulis iron..apstu..aser mcm salah...haha...nk try2 ler...xdpt nk wat essay pgjg..byk lg nk kene belajo wat karangan bi nih..hehe
